We can all relate to outdated style in our homes to one degree or another. It might be a smaller, localized issue (how about wallpaper in your dining room that might be more at home on the set of the Brady Bunch?), or maybe it’s widespread and your home improvement goals include some heavy-duty remodeling.
Either way, the tendency can be to assume that the only path to success includes literally tearing out and replacing the problem.
In reality, creative interior painting can go a long way toward helping your home skip over the last few decades and play a little catch-up.
We recently finished a painting project in Ceres that is a perfect example of this. Check out the picture below, and especially focus on the heavy, dated look that the brick and wood shelving create.
After two coats of Pure White, the feel of the room suddenly becomes brighter and much, much more modern. After all, painted brick is very in style right now, and also is an ideal solution for making the most of a tired fireplace. What do you think?
At Lancaster Painting, we are ready to help with whatever you need when it comes to interior and exterior painting. Please take a look at our services , and if you have any questions about your upcoming project we hope you will contact us!