We’ve talked before about the value of interior painting in your kitchen. For your walls it can add a breath of fresh style and welcoming new colors, but when it includes painting your cabinets as well it makes for an even more drastic transformation.
As an added benefit, this kind of refinishing is much less expensive than a total cabinet replacement, but it can leave the space just as unrecognizable!
We recently were asked by a returning customer to paint their kitchen. It was a pleasure serving this client again, and we were happy to help take on the task! As a way to showcase the power of this kind of interior painting, we thought we’d share a few project photos here with you.
For the different components of the kitchen we used the following colors and products:
What do you think? We really were pleased with the way the colors turned out, working together to create a warm, inviting palette. And, best of all, our client was thrilled with the result too!
If you have any questions about our kitchen painting abilities, or any of our interior or exterior services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Lancaster Painting. It would be our pleasure to help!