Not all paint jobs are created equal.
Maybe you’ve noticed this, but sometimes homes that have been painted at similar points in time within a neighborhood age very differently. One house looks great after five years while another looks a little like it’s weathered a sandstorm.
What causes this?
It’s important question to ask, especially since investing in exterior paint is not a small matter. You want to be sure you get the maximum result and value out the process, and that your paint lasts just as long as possible.
While every situation is unique and has its own set of factors to consider, more often than not one or more of these issues is at the root of the problem:
A quality professional painting company will ensure that the work is done well, but there are, unfortunately, many operations that are more than happy to do minimal prep to increase their profit margins. Make sure you research your painter, and ask specifically what surface preparation techniques they will use and suggest.
If you need a reputable painter here in the Central Valley, we hope you’ll reach out to us at Lancaster Painting ! It would be our pleasure to serve you.