Do you have a few estimates in front of you for your interior or exterior house painting project? Maybe you talked to several prospective painters, explored your project goals, and now you have to pick one out of the pile, hopefully making the best choice.
It can be tempting to go for the cheapest option. In some ways, that’s what’s expected! As homeowners, we’re always hunting for the best deal (we do it too!).
Before you pick the smallest number, however, we have a few considerations for you to keep in mind. After all, we know a little something about house painting , and we know that sometimes the smallest estimate represents a quality of work that will leave you paying the most in the end.
That’s the real question. For a company to stay in business, something in the process must be suffering to make an extremely low bid possible.
Here’s what you typically find driving down the prices:
Any or all of the above should leave you concerned.
To help steer your conversation in the right direction, and narrow down your list of candidates, here are a few key questions to ask:
Be sure to do your own research as well, exploring their website and online reviews .
Remember, it always pays to dig a little deeper and learn as much as possible about your painting professional. Paying a more for a responsible, reliable, dedicated painting company to handle your project is often the most cost-effective option in the long run.
Quality prep, quality paint, and a quality application will last much longer!