When it comes to paint choices, do you have a color palette that speaks to you? Some people tend towards warm colors like reds and oranges, while others prefer the cooler shades of purples and greens. Each color has a different effect on the style and feel of a room. Regardless of whether your color palette includes warm or cool colors, there’s always the option for strong shades.
Dark paint choices, also called strong colors, can have an interesting effect on the mood of a given room. Where darker shades of burgundy can evoke a studious, sophisticated feel (think personal study), strong shades of crimson can increase feelings of intensity.
Dark colors also tend to make a room feel closer, which can be great for sizing down a large visiting room. In small portions, blacks and dark grays give a sense of precision and strength. Check out this article for a breakdown of how certain colors influence the mood of a room.
One tip to remember is that room colors are typically chosen based on the permanent fixtures. Think of it this way: you can always change the colors on your walls, but that thousand dollar couch was here first, and it’s not going anywhere!
Thinking about getting your interior painted? Reach out to your local experts for a consultation! We’re always happy to help.