Do you ever pull into your driveway at the end of a long day and begin to notice things you’d like to change about your home’s appearance? Don’t worry, there’s nothing wrong with that! In fact, coming home with a fresh set of eyes is often the best time to notice aspects of your home that need improvement.
Those glaring issues you might be recognizing have most certainly been noticed by other people checking out your house. If the time ever comes to list your property, you’ll want to be sure that your home’s exterior is as attractive at first glance as possible.
With that said, have a look at our latest home painting makeover. This Central Valley property has a great architectural layout, with a beautiful use of rough cut stone around the base of the house and garage. What it was missing was a consistent, attractive paint job.
When it comes to house painting, a solid, consistent coverage is often the best aesthetic option. While the garage was painted professionally, it made for a distracting visual appearance. When you add in the unique layout, multiple windows, and stonework, there was a bit too much going on to make a paint style like that work well.
Rather than opting for three separate colors for the trim, door, and house, the homeowner settled on a combination of one primary and one accent color. This turned out to be a great choice, because the stonework itself contributes to the color scheme. With too many colors going on, the house would have risked falling back into a distracting appearance.
Take a close look at the entryway...the hardwood door is bordered by a brick red frame, contrasting beautifully with the dark gray/green shade of the house itself. The narrow window frames on either side are bright white, adding a crisp break from the deeper colors. This elegant entryway is a great example of how contrast can transform even small spaces.
if you have an inconsistent paint job or you find certain parts of your home’s exterior unattractive, you’re not alone. Complacency won’t improve your property value or your confidence in the way your home looks, but a little paint goes a long way!
Contact your local professional painters today, and let’s transform your home’s exterior!