There comes a time when most of us come to the realization that something, somewhere needs a fresh coat of paint. Bedroom, kitchen, or maybe the exterior of our California home. But it’s never as simple or quick as grabbing a roller and getting to work. Want to make your new paint job last longer and look better all the while? Hire a painting professional that has keen preparation skills.
In fact, some folks say that a quality paint job is 80% preparation.
Find out why what you may not notice makes a difference in the end.
Just as you wouldn’t serve dinner on a dirty plate, surface cleaning is an important step in the painting process. If you’re considering an exterior paint project, power washing may be one of the first steps. Cleaning removes surface dirt and grime, and promotes good paint adhesion. A good scrubbing beforehand also identifies areas that may need a little extra care before work begins, such as peeling paint and a surface that’s been compromised by insect or water damage. A professional painter won’t cover over problems; they’ll fix them first.
Blemishes in wood, walls and trim, caused by exposure to the elements, or just the wear and tear of living, require prompt attention and remediation. Seek out a painting professional that has light carpentry skills in their toolbox to handle the entire job. You don’t want work to stop while you secure someone to fix the damage, or worse yet, try to figure out how to do it yourself.
It’s really, really important. A good primer on the surface seals everything bad out and provides a lovely, smooth foundation for your newly chosen paint. Priming before painting allows you to cover dark pigments with lighter colors, and you won’t need to worry about the original color bleeding through. When painting over wood surfaces, the primer serves to hide blemishes and can keep the natural grain and knot patterns from appearing after the paint dries. Skipping the primer coat opens the door to surfaces that can turn irregular, and choosing not to use primer is more expensive in the long run as additional coats of paint are required to finish the job.
Painting can go a whole lot quicker and easier if you choose a professional with the proper experience and tools at hand for the whole job. A painter needs more than a paintbrush and roller, and you’ll be glad when you hire a company that handles the whole job, start to finish. Get an in-person estimate so you know what to expect from the very beginning. Keep these tips in mind, and the only thing you’ll see is a beautiful, long-lasting finish and impeccable attention to detail. And that’s a job well-done.